Dental Crowns

Dental Crown Procedures Glen Mills, PA

If your tooth has been severely damaged, Dr. Raj Faldu may recommend that you receive a dental crown. After our dentist removes any damaged areas of your tooth, a dental crown acts as a “cap” over your natural tooth. This restores your tooth’s natural shape, appearance, and function. Plus, Glen Mills Dental uses advanced technology and high-quality material to ensure that your crowns last for years to come. We invite you to schedule an appointment with our dentist and learn more about how your smile can benefit from dental crowns in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, by calling our office today at 610-358-5690.

A dental crown, or cap, is a restoration that can be used for a number of purposes. One of the most common uses of a dental crown is to restore a tooth that is significantly damaged or decayed. The crown is custom made to fit over the entire tooth, starting at the gum line, in order to restore the tooth to its original shape and size. Dental crowns can be made of gold, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal; porcelain crowns are popular because they match the natural color and appearance of your teeth. Our dentist will help you determine which type of dental crown is right for your smile.

Your smile may benefit from a crown if a tooth is damaged or decayed to the point that a dental filling will not provide a successful restoration. Crowns can also be used for a number of other restorative and aesthetic purposes, including:

  • To protect a tooth following root canal treatment
  • To anchor and attach a dental bridge
  • To cover and complete a dental implant
  • To enhance the beauty of your smile
  • To improve a misshapen tooth
  • To strengthen a tooth that is fractured or weakened
  • To support a large filling when little natural tooth structure remains

To find out whether a dental crown is right for you, we welcome you to contact us today!

Repair a Damaged Tooth in Just One Appointment

If you have a tooth that’s damaged or decayed, Dr. Raj can restore it to full function with a dental crown. Many dentists require two or three office visits over the course of a few weeks to place a crown, but using our CEREC technology, we can complete the process in just one appointment.

How is this possible? Instead of waiting weeks for a laboratory to make your crown and deliver it to us, we mill your custom crown right here in our office, saving you valuable time.

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a small cap that we place over your damaged tooth, restoring its strength and appearance. A crown can be made from a variety of materials including metal or zirconia, but CEREC crowns are ceramic. This ensures your crown will look natural and enhance your smile for years to come.

Dental crowns can be used to treat a variety of issues. Some of the most common include:

  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Severely decayed or worn down teeth
  • Misshapen or discolored teeth
  • Teeth with large fillings
  • To restore a severely stained tooth that resists whitening treatment

The CEREC Process

At Glen Mills Dental, we’re proud to feature the computer-aided CEREC design system. CEREC’s advanced CAD/CAM software generates a precise digital image of the affected tooth, eliminating the need for messy and time-consuming physical dental impressions.

A digital impression is much more accurate than a physical impression, so your attractive CEREC crown will fit your tooth perfectly. Since we mill your new crown here at our office, you won’t have to wear a temporary crown while you wait for your new one.

We want you to spend less time in the dental chair so you can spend more time enjoying your new smile.

The Benefits of CEREC Crowns

CEREC single-visit crowns offer a range of unique benefits that traditional crowns can’t match:

  • Fast — CEREC crowns can be designed, created, and placed in just over an hour, so you won’t have to wait days for your new smile.
  • Minimally Invasive — The CEREC process allows us to preserve a greater portion of the tooth.
  • Efficient — The speed and accuracy of CEREC technology allow Dr. Raj to restore one or more teeth in just one appointment.
  • Precise — The standard method of using a physical impression to design dental restorations is often inaccurate, while our CAD/CAM technology provides high-resolution 3D images of your smile to ensure a snug fit for your crown.

Get a Beautiful Same-Day Crown in Glen Mills

Are you looking to restore a damaged tooth? If so, a CEREC single-visit crown could be the ideal solution for your smile. To learn more about this convenient treatment, give us a call in Glen Mills, PA at (610) 358-5690 and schedule your consultation with Dr. Raj today.

During this visit, we’ll answer your questions so you can choose the right treatment for your smile.