How Dental Implants Can Improve Your Health

Nov 1, 2019

Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth

When a toddler loses a tooth, we celebrate the big event with a visit from the tooth fairy. But losing a tooth as an adult is not a reason for celebration. In fact, tooth loss can affect your oral health and quality of life in ways you can’t imagine.

Dental Implants Can Protect Your Oral Health

If you lose a front tooth, your biggest concern is probably aesthetics, which can motivate you to replace the tooth with a treatment such as dental implants. However, an open space in the back of your mouth may not seem like much of a priority since most people will never notice it.

The truth is that gaps in your smile affect more than just your appearance. Tooth replacement is also necessary to restore functionality and protect the health of your remaining teeth. That’s why Dr. Raj recommends dental implants, the only solution for missing teeth that improves your oral health in addition to enhancing your smile.